Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Melbourne Age hired Catherine Deveney to be a local Juvenal, and that's exactly what she was in her Logies tweets (which apparently was not an Age-sponsored gig).

So the best thing you can say about the Age sacking her for those tweets - which were mostly acidly funny and spot-on - is that it was cowardly and hypocritical.

But when you think about the fact that a misogynists and racists like Sam Newman, Alan Jones and whoever gave us 21st-century minstrelsy on Hey, Hey It's Saturday all still have their jobs, the perversity is sickening.

The Age - it just gets lamer, stupider, whiter and richer. More features about Hollywood celebs and lifestyle accessories, more inane advice about what absurdly expensive and wildly inappropriate clothing to wear to exotic third-world travel destinations, more footy and MasterChef!

All awards shows are appalling. I want shrewd observers like Deveney watching them and slagging them off so I don't have to.

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